Edit Date Based Narrative Condition for MGP




Narrative Conditions (also referred to in EPA guidance as Special Conditions) are typically text-based Permit requirements with which the Permittee must comply.  Where the Narrative Condition contains a schedule or a reporting requirement, ICIS–NPDES considers the condition to be date-based.  An example of a date-based Narrative Condition would be a Permit requirement to submit progress reports for a construction schedule to build a wastewater treatment plant.  The schedule or reporting conditions associated with a date-based Narrative Condition will be entered in ICIS–NPDES as Permit Schedules.  Narrative Conditions that do not establish a schedule or reporting are considered non-date-based.  An example of a non-date-based Narrative Condition is a requirement for the Permittee to develop and maintain a Best Management Practices (BMP) plan.  ICIS–NPDES will only track the achievement of the Narrative Condition if it is entered as a date-based requirement (i.e., Violations will be generated if the schedule due dates are not met); however, noncompliance with non-date-based Narrative Conditions can always be tracked as a Single Event Violation.


This screen allows the user to edit a Date Based Narrative Condition for a Master General Permit. 


Screen Fields


Screen Section

Field Name

Field Description



This is the NPDES Permit number assigned to the permit.


Permit Type

This indicates the type of permit (e.g., NPDES Individual Permit, General Permit Covered Facility, etc.).


Permit Name

This is the name of the Master General Permit.


Issue Date

This is the date the permit was issued.


Effective Date

This is the date the permit is effective.


Expiration Date

This is the date the permit will expire.


Narrative Condition Number

This uniquely identifies a Narrative Condition and its elements for a Permit.


Narrative Condition

This is the Narrative Condition Description.

Narrative Condition


This is the description that identifies the type of Narrative Condition.

Narrative Condition


This is the full text description of the Narrative Condition.

Narrative Condition

Date Based

This is the checkbox to indicate whether the record corresponds to a Narrative Condition or a Permit Schedule.



This is the particular event with which the Permittee is scheduled to comply.



This is the date on which a schedule event is due to be completed and against which compliance will be measured.


Screen Functions




Add Event

This displays the Add Event screen.


This allows user to view the selected Event.


This displays the Edit Event screen.


This deletes the selected record.


This allows the user to save the entered/modified information and returns the user to the list screen.


This allows the user to cancel the entry/modification of information and returns the user to the list screen.



This displays the List of Facility Interests Related to the Permit screen.  This screen contains a list of Facility Interests that are associated with the current NPDES Permit and allows the user to add, edit, view, and delete a Facility Interest.

Compliance Monitoring

This displays the List of Compliance Monitoring Activities Related to the Permit screen.  This screen contains a list of Compliance Monitoring Activities that are associated with the current NPDES Permit and allows the user to add, edit, view, and delete a Compliance Monitoring Activity.


Does not appear for Unpermitted Facility Type Permits.  This displays the Search DMR screen with the NPDES ID prepopulated.  This screen allows the user to search for DMRs that are associated with the current NPDES Permit.

Program Reports

This displays the List of Program Reports Related to the Permit screen.  This screen contains a list of Program Reports that are associated with the current NPDES Permit and allows the user to add, edit, view, and delete a Program Report.

NPDES Violations

This displays the List of NPDES Violations Related to the Permit screen.  This screen contains a list of NPDES Violations that are associated with the current NPDES Permit and allows the user to add a Single Event Violation and edit, view, and delete all Violations.

Enforcement Actions

This displays the List of Enforcement Actions Related to the Permit screen.  This screen contains a list of Enforcement Actions that are associated with the current NPDES Permit and allows the user to add, edit, view, and delete an Enforcement Action.


Narrative Conditions Business Rules